Storage Basket for Kitchen, Vegetables, Toys, Books, Office, Stationery, Utility, Cosmetics, Accessories, Closet, Clothes (38 x 25 x 8 cm)

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Title: (your brand) Storage Basket for Kitchen, Vegetables, Toys, Books, Office, Stationery, Utility, Cosmetics, Accessories, Closet, Clothes (38 x 25 x 8 cm)

HSN: 72299090 (GST 18%)

Weigh: 202 gm

Volumetric Weight : 1920 gm

Package Dimension : 40*24*10

Amazon CategoryShelf Baskets

Flipkart Category: Kitchen Racks | Fruit Baskets

Bullet Points:

  • Material: plastic, Color: multi, Dimensions: 38 x 25 x 8 cm
  • Woven design for a premium look
  • Ideal for home, kitchen and office use
  • Also use in office for organizing documents, stationery, magazine, essentials, book, etc.
  • Fit in the kitchen cabinet to organize kitchen utensils/tools on the dining room table/countertop or store seasoning packets, spices


(Copy The Description From Here)

<p>Premium Safe Storage Solution Smart Kitchen Baskets are made from polypropylene, which is high-quality food-grade plastic, and thus safe for daily usage.</p>
<p>Organised Appearance Use these baskets for storing away fruits, vegetables and other non-perishable solids. It will make your kitchen look systematic, and all these goods will be easily accessible as they are stored in one place.</p>
<p>Firm Grip Styled in a woven pattern, these baskets offer good holding grip and give a distinctive look to your kitchen. They are easy to store in your kitchen or dining room with their sleek design.</p>
<p>Compatible with Dishwasher You won't have to put much effort into getting the baskets clean as they can be rinsed easily in the dishwasher or by hand</p>


(Copy The Keywords From Here) 


multipurpose organizer rack kitchen basket for storage holder shelf bucket fruits vegetable wardrobe drain bowl khatli


kitchen Racks, fruit Baskets, storage baskets
